Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shopping Around for Business Schools?

A nice article plugging The MBA Tour just appeared on the CNN web site, giving business school applicants an overview of the event and describes some of the benefits of attending.

One interesting note is that The MBA Tour will charge a small admittance fee for the first time this year. Despite adding the fee ($5 in advance, $10 at the door), the people who run the event are bullish on beating last year's 30% year-over-year attendance increase. At least the proceeds will go to a good cause -- they will go toward a scholarship fund established by the Tour's founder, Peter von Loesecke.

The tour doesn't yet cover every metropolitan area, but if it it comes to your town, it's worth checking out as a way to jumpstart or supplement your school research. If you do go in 2008, be on the lookout for the Veritas Prep booth near the entrance. As an ongoing sponsor of The MBA Tour, we're excited to participate once again this year!